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Taxi Booking App Development

  • Overview
Main features of Advance Taxi Booking App Development in Nepal

User Work Flow


App should be initiate from splash page, for the first time user, app should display walk through page to understand the application flow.

Sign up/Login/Forgot Password

User will login into the application using social media, login form and validate his/her existing account details like Email, User Name, Password, Mobile no. In case of new user, user can create new account using his/her Email, Mobile no and setup a new account. Existing App User should be able to reset his/her password.

User Should be able to login and signup with Phone Call, Google, Facebook.


User should be able to upload the fund into his/her wallet for future payment, App will analyse the wallet payment on each and every transaction which will going to happen against any new booking.

Book a Trip (Daily)

User should be able to book a Cab for a Trip, Driver will pick the user and drop to the user at drop location or Final Destination location. user will get notification for each step ex. When driver reach user location, user picked up, on the way etc

Book a Trip (Outstation)

User should be able to book a cab for out station for one way trip or round trip, user should be able to get driver details before 45 min (Define by admin) of booking schedule.

Book a Trip (Rental)

User should be able to book a rental cab for within the city and for some fixed hour, user should be able to get driver details before 45 min (Define by admin) of booking schedule.

Book a Trip (Pool)

User should be able to book a shared ride which is called pool, one user can select up to 2 passenger for pool ride and fare should be managed from admin panel.

Book a Trip (Airport)

User should be able to book a cab for specific airport and system admin will manage the aiport from admin panel.

Schedule Booking

User should be able to schedule a booking for certain time for all cases outstation, rental, general cab except pool (Pool is not available for scheduling).

Multi Location

User should be able to Add multiple location or multiple stop over in his/her trip and change the address too for general trip.

Vehicle Category

User should be able to select a vehicle from vehicle category as per his/her requirement like Mini, Micro, Hatchback etc.


User should be able to manage his profile and make changes like password, profile picture, Name home address, work address etc.

Chat/Voice Call

User should be able to chat/Voice  call with driver.

Cancelled Trip 

In case of confirmed booking, if user want to cancel the trip, user have to pay some fixed amount, if balance will be available, then it will be deducted from the available payment or payment will goes as minus balance.


User should be able to see his/her past and upcoming Trip history including source location, destination location, driver name, vehicle details, paid fee, Review etc.


User should be able to add new payment method or manage payment method; app user can store credit card details for fast payment.

Lost Management

User should be able to add lost item into his trip details, admin will notify to the driver for the user loosed item.

About/Terms & Condition/Privacy Policy/Refund policy

User should be able to view the details about the company like about the company, privacy policy, terms and condition, refund policy.


User should be able to share the trip details to his/her friend, for any queries app user can take help.

Panic Button   

User should be able to press panic or emergency button in case if required.

Promo Code

App user should be get benefit to use promo code to get additional discount, app user can view all available offers in offer section of the app.

Live Tracking

User should be able to track the live location of driver and view the ETA of Driver over on Map.


User can optimize the setting like Push Notification, Offers, Discount, and Location etc.

Driver Work Flow


App should be initiate from splash page, for the first time driver, app should display walk through page to understand the application flow.

Sign up/Login/Forgot Password

Driver will login into the application using login form and validate his/her existing account details like Email, User Name, Password, Mobile no. In case of new driver, driver can create new account using his/her Email, Mobile no. Existing App driver should be able to reset his/her password.


Driver should be able to upload all required document like Driving License, Vehicle Document, and Insurance Document to use the app.

Vehicle Category

Driver should be able to select a vehicle from vehicle category as per his/her vehicle like Mini, Micro, and Hatchback. App driver can switch vehicle category from his/her profile.


Driver should be able to manage his profile and make changes like password, profile picture, home address etc.

Chat/Voice Call

Driver should be able to chat/Voice call with user.

Cancelled Trip 

In case of confirmed booking, if driver want to cancel the trip, driver have to pay some fixed amount, if balance will be available, then it will be deducted from the available payment or payment will goes as minus balance.


Driver should be able to see his/her past and upcoming Trip history including source location, destination location, user name, vehicle details, paid fee and review of user etc.


Driver should be able to view his/her daily earning, weekly earning and able to view withdraw history and request for withdraw.

About/Terms & Condition/Privacy Policy/Refund policy

Driver should be able to view the details about the company like about the company, privacy policy, terms and condition, refund policy.


Driver should be able to share the trip details to his/her friend, for any queries app driver can take help.

Withdraw/Payment integration 

Driver should be able to withdraw his/her 100% earning fund and its will reflect user bank account as per standard rule.

Add Bank Account Details

Driver should be able to add his/her account details to withdraw his/her earning. Driver should be able to get an notification once it’s added from admin.

Live Tracking

Driver should be able to track the live location of user and view the estimated time to reach user location over on Map.


Driver can optimize the setting like Push Notification, Offers, Discount, and Location etc.


Driver can online/offline his/her status.

Admin Panel

Admin panel is the heart of the whole system, from admin panel, company top level officer can manage the whole activities of the system.

Login/Forgot Password

Admin user should be able to login via login panel using his/her credentials, in case of forgot password admin user can rest the password with the help of his/her official email.


Admin user should be able to view the dashboard of the system with below details, admin user can view all details by clicking on view more option.

Total Trip   

Total Payment   

Active Trip   

Cancel Trip   

Total Driver   

Active User   

Total User   

Active Driver

Dashboard Graph

Admin user should be able to view the graph on dashboard with below details and can compare the whole booking.

Total trip & Cancelled Trip and Active Trip according to the Date

Cash Payment & Online Payment according to the Date

Total Driver & Total User according to the Date

Active Driver and Active User according to the Date

Top 10 Booking

Admin user can view the top 10 recent booking on dashboard with details and can manage booking.

ID, User, Driver, Type of Trip, Fare of the Trip, Date of the Trip, time of the Trip, current status.


Admin user should be able to view all Drivers activities like accepted booking, Driver profile, active Driver, below are the list of details.

Driver List   

Admin user should be able to view the list of all Drivers according to the category.

Add Drivers

Admin user should be able to add new Drivers and assign predefine category according to the his/her expert area or interest.

Manage Driver

Admin user should be able to manage all Drivers.

Approve Drivers

Admin user should be able to verify Drivers document and approve the profile of Drivers.

Decline Drivers

Admin user should be able to decline or restrict the Drivers to use all services.   

Verify Account Details

Admin user should be able to verify the Driver Added Bank Account Details.

Driver history

Admin user should be able to view the history of Driver like total no of booking, date, active booking, cancelled booking, earning, cash payment, online payment etc.

Transfer Fund

Admin user should be able to view the withdraw request and transfer fund as per Driver earning and manage the earning too.

Driver Earning

Admin user should be able to view the total earning and settle payment as per payment collection method like cash and online.


Admin user should be able to view all users activities like Requested booking, users profile, user mode of payment and many more, below are the list of details.

User List   

Admin user should be able to view the list of all users according to the category.

Add users

Admin user should be able to add new users.

Block users

Admin user should be able to block or restrict the users to use all services.   

Users history

Admin user should be able to view the history of users like total no of request, date, active booking, cancelled booking, paid fee, cash payment, online payment etc.


Admin user should be able to view the refund request and transfer fund as per users paid fee and manage the fee too.

Vehicle Management 

Admin user should be able to manage the vehicle and perform following action. 

Add vehicle   

Manage vehicle   


Admin user should be able to manage the monthly plan and perform following action. 

Add plan

Manage Plan

Dispute Management 

Admin user should be able to view the dispute and perform following action. 

Assign to the CRM user   


Track status

Perform action on dispute

Price Management

System price management is very important, admin have to define the fare according to the available package and assign or map with vehicle. 

Toll Management

Admin user should be able to add toll plaza info with toll fee, user should be able to pay toll fee including ride fee.

Fare Matrix

Admin should be able to manage Fare according the available packages and manage all packages as per available option like Location wise, Rental, Outstation, Peak hour, Peak Price, Surge Price etc.

Package or Plan Management

Admin should be able to manage the plan, like Pool, Outstation, Rental, Distance Fare (Min to Max), Minute Fare, Waiting Time, Peak Hour, Night charges, Week day Fare, Week End Fare etc.

Zone Management

Admin user should be able to create Zone according to the location and plot graph over on google map.

Zone Setting

Admin user should be able to enable, disable, block zone as per business requirement.


Admin should be able to view the whole transaction, admin can view the following transaction.

Withdraw Request

Withdraw status

Account Request

Account Status

Driver settlement (Cash/online)

Account Modification Request

Driver Final Payment


Admin should be able to view the complete payment, admin can view the following payment.

Total Revenue

Total Earning

Total Withdraw

Total cash collection

Total Online Collection

Settlement Cash/Online


Payment Status (Refund, Awaiting, available)


Admin should be able to make changes and manage some setting of the app, payment, search radius etc. Admin should be able to manage following setting.

Location Setting

Search Radius Setting

Basic Price 

Tax management

Payment API setting

Social Media


Admin user should be able to add document type according to the location and view a verify the document with expiry date of the document. 

Add Document

Manage Document

Verify Document 

Review and Rating

Admin user should be able to view the following reviews and Rating.

User Review

Driver Review

Manage Review

Promo code

Admin user should be able to view and manage the promo code and perform following actions.

Add Promo code

Manage promo code




Refer and Earn

Admin user should be able to add the logic for referral and earned money according to the trip or for monthly basis or define the dates. 


Admin user should be able to view the report and download the report, search report by category, user, Driver, dates, day and revenue, withdraw etc.

CMS Panel

Admin user should be able to manage the CRM Users, System Pages, Languages, Blogs and may more.

CRM Panel

Admin user should be able to manage the CRM Users, Passenger, Trips, Profile, Refund etc from CRM Panel.


Admin user should be able to view the complete analytics like No of users in Android Device, iOS Device, Signup, Login, Daily Users etc.

Dispatcher Panel

Admin user should be able to view all dispatcher managers, manage dispatcher manager and view all booking which is booked from dispatcher panel.

Dispatcher Panel Flow

Dispatcher panel is the part of system where company manager should dispatch cab for users manually.

New Booking

Dispatcher Manager should be able to book a cab for customer, manager should be able to book a cab either for individual or for corporate employee, and manager should be able to view the Total fare, Time and Distance. 

Manual or system Driver Assignment

Dispatcher manager can assign driver manually and system will assign the most nearest driver automatically.

Reassign Driver

Dispatcher Manager should be able to reassign driver for any trip by the requesting of customers, customer will get notification on same time with driver details.

Cancel Trip

Dispatcher Manager should be able to cancel the trip by requesting of passenger or driver with adding valid reason.

Dead Trip

Dispatcher manager should be able to mark any trip as dead in failure of vehicle.

View available Vehicle

Dispatcher manager should be able to view all available cab according to the zone and and current status like on trip, active, offline etc.


Dispatcher manager should be able to view the logs for each booking with status, like cancelled, on trip etc.

Live Tracking

Dispatcher manager can track the live location of all trip and search with trip id or customer name or driver name.

Assign the trip to outside company

Dispatcher manager should be able to assign new trip to outside company in case user is not able to get the inside platform cab driver.

Notification from CRM

Dispatcher panel will be tightly coupled with CRM Panel so manager will get instant notification for trip management.

CRM Panel Flow

CRM user should be able to manage complete system as user and driver points of view, CRM user should be able to perform following actions.

List of all Users

CRM user should be able to view all user details and manage user profile according to the requested changes.

List of all Drivers

CRM user should be able to view all Driver details and manage Driver profile according to the requested changes.

All Trips

CRM user should be able to view all Trips and manage the Trips as per request from user or driver.

Lost Management

CRM user should be able to manage all lost assets and send request or resolve customer or driver query.

Refund Management

CRM user should be able to create ticket for refund request and send it to the higher department for next action.

Ticket Management

CRM User should be able to manage the ticket and response as per customer query or send it to higher department.

CMS Panel Flow

CMS user should be able to manage the whole content of the website and app and perfume following action.

Page Management

CMS user should be manage all system pages, add new pages and manage the content of the whole pages.

Blog Management

CMS user should be able to manage all blogs and create new blogs for information purpose.

Language Management

CMS user should be able to mange language, add new language, add keywords for any specific language etc ..

Email Management

CMS user should be able to manage email templates, disable, enable email etc .. 

Corporate Panel

Corporate manager should be able to book a cab for company employee, manage payment, manage receipt and many more from corporate panel, below are the details:

Book a cab

Add Employee

Send Invoice

View History

Manage Employee

Vendor Panel

Vendor manager should be able to add new driver, view all trips, manage driver etc and it should be manageable from admin panel completely, like fix the no of driver which should be added by vendor, percentage, driver allocation, driver addon or removal. Vendor should not be able to remove any driver from platform, they can enable or disable the driver.

Accountant Panel

Account should be able to access all transaction, reports, refund request from admin and many more ..

New Cab Company

Admin should be able to add new cab company and dispatcher panel should be able to assign the trip to the outside cab company.

Miscellaneous Features

Website of User, Driver and For information

Signup Reminder for profile completion

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